Donna Aries Tote handbags

ariesdktote.jpgWe've refrained from saying anything about Donna Karan's attempts at bags because we adore her ready to wear and kept hoping she (or her accessories designer) will finally 'get' it. But the Aries tote clearly demonstrates the brand's lack of insight when it comes to bags. Seriously, who is this bag made for? A fishmonger? It is a sagging mess with single knotted strap (too short), magnetic closure, and a disproportionately long body (when you dig for your keys, do you have to use a hook to reach the bottom of the bag?). On the 5'5" model silhouette it's hitting at the ankles; so on a slightly more petite woman, say 5'3', it would be dragging on the ground? I don't understand how someone who is so in touch with a woman's body with her incredible jersey dresses can offer us bags that are both unattractive (I am so PC these days, what I really want to say is hideous) and useless. $1,595 at

What do you guys think? Snob or Slob?