You all know how great it is to have a staple in your wardrobe. Whether it is that little black dress, your favorite pair of jeans or a sweater that hugs your curves in all the right places, there is something you just can’t live without. As many handbags as any of us have, for the most part, I think there is probably one we reach to more often than others. There is that handbag that works for so many occasions, holds up well, and looks great. The Michael Kors Id Chain Tote is definitely a contender in the staple handbag category. Now, not only can you have a new go-to handbag, but you can also be on the cutting edge! There are limited quantities of this handbag and it can be pre-ordered from the Resort 2009 collection. The slouchy leather tote has a gathered drawstring top, beautiful chain detailing which extends from the base of the handles to the bottom of the bag. And of course, there are several pockets, plenty of room for anything you need to carry around and the leather - GORGEOUS! I love the fact that someone in their 20s could be seen carrying it just as someone in their 60s might. When handbags can cross generations, you know you have a great bag on your hands. Yes, it will set you back a bit, but since this purse will stand the test of time, I think it is a worthwhile investment. Buy through Nordstrom for $1495.