Tisk, tisk, tisk. To me, this bag is just all wrong. I really don’t know what the designers were doing over at Valentino when they came up with this idea. The Valentino Petale Tote doesn’t just hurt my eyes, but it also would undoubtedly hurt my wallet. The layers of black tulle make this handbag look cheap and simply thrown together haphazardly. Not only that, but could you imagine how the tulle would feel as it rubs against your arm as you run around trying to take care of errands? I doubt it would feel good. I guess one good thing is that when it comes to how you can carry the bag, you have options. There are double patent leather handles and a detachable patent shoulder strap. Now of course, don’t hesitate to let me know if you think I am off base here, but for the price, is there anything about this purse that is worth it? Buy through Saks for $1,495.