I will be the first one to say I am a huge fan of Bottega Veneta handbags. The leather and detailing put into every one of these bags errors on the side of flawless. The one drawback could be how sophisticated the handbags are. Ok, there is nothing wrong with sophistication; in fact, sophistication is something I consider highly sought after. But from time to time, a fun, chic bag is all that I want to carry. Is that what the BV designers are trying to get after here with the Bottega Veneta Small Toggle Leather Tote? I can’t decide if I like the fun, youthful look or if I absolutely hate it. Now, the white leather topped off with multicolour toggle detailing is a personal no-go for the upcoming seasons; it would have to wait until spring. And come to think of it, don’t the toggles remind you of those spice drop candies? As much as I like the candy, I think I would find myself trying to pick off the toggles as I stood in line, sat on the subway or even just walked down the street. And again, white leather, can just get dirty so easily. So, I guess I think I would prefer spending my money on something like the Bottega Veneta Barcelona Cabat (which I still have on my wish list) than on this tote. Buy through Net-a-Porter for $1850.
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Nice Tote bag. Very beautiful to see.Wonderful, standard and fashionable.Preferable to all. Color and designs are perfect.nice combination the tote bag .Hoping to have like this. Thank you very much..
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