If you were to ask me what one of the most coveted and famous handbag was I would tell you the Balenciaga City. Of course there are others, but from Balenciaga the black city is a classic. Of course Balenciaga is known for their colorful array of dyed leathers, but black is time-honored. Balenciaga was one of the first brands to start the huge craze in the handbag world. The Fendi’s and Gucci’s preceded, but the Balenciaga craze was entirely new. People scouring the world for the best color, the right seasons leather, and the perfect combination. Celebrities went into a B-Bag wearing frenzy as well, only making the buzz surrounding the brand grow more. And when it comes down to it, the house favorite size, shape, and color is perfectly combined on the Balenciaga City in black leather. Buy through Balenciaga for $1395.
And luck you! We have teamed up with Ideeli for our January giveaway. All you have to do is sign up at Ideeli and you will be entered for a chance to win a fabulous City. Contest runs until February 5th, 2009. Also, if you are already registered at Ideeli we will be providing a new link later today for you to use and sign up as well.