For almost everyone, I think Balenciaga is one of those brands that you either understand or you don’t. Yes – they make more or less the same bags in different colors year after year. Yes – many of them haven’t changed drastically in design since they were first introduced. Yes – many people are happy to do what basically amounts to buying the same bag in a bunch of colors. And some people may think that’s nuts, but I think it’s AWESOME. I love Balenciaga, and anyone that’s familiar with the Balenciaga section on the Forum knows that the Bal girls get in to the details of their bags in a way that few other brand’s customers do. Leather texture and hardware are discussed heavily, even though the differences may not be huge to the casual observer. As a result, when one thing changes about how Balenciaga builds their bags, tongues are set wagging about it for months, if not years.
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Soon the genres of fashion and popular art began to merge and swirl together. The result was scarpe Hogan that became so ostentatious that they were pieces of art in themselves. Psychedelic colors and patterns were the norm for those that wore the most fashionable hogan donna . Women wearing Hogan scarpe uomo were seen in many different kinds of popular art, like magazines, photography, fashion shows and even paintings. People all over the world were wearing Hogan uomo and loving the way it elevated their fashion.
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