After bringing you stunning pictures of the Balenciaga Crocodile Work Bag, I had to find out more information about Balenciaga crocodile bags. It seems Balenciaga does dabble in the art of exotics every now and again, and when they do the skins are stunning and the colors pop. From the Fall 07 collection, the Balenciaga Crocodile Weekender in yellow was released and it is quite the show stopper. The weekender is just as large as its name suggests, and this yellow crocodile version will be sure to capture every eye on your weekend getaways. If you are in the market for a crocodile B-bag, you can speak to the boutique as they are all custom made. Balenciaga is known for their wide array of beautiful colors, so imagine picking another bright bold color and placing it on a crocodile bag. The price will surely capture your attention, at $22,500.
I called Balenciaga America Inc, and experienced amazing help from the people on the other end of the phone. A special thank you to Anette for going out of her way to find out more on this bag for me. If you are interested, call the Balenciaga NYC store, +1 212 206 0872, or inquire about other Balenciaga items from Balenciaga America Inc., +1 212 279 4440.
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