I think that one of my favorite things about Bluefly is that their selection is so vast and random. They carry brands that are rarely found elsewhere on the Internet and bags that may not have made it onto the radar of the casual aficionado, in addition to lots of reliable favorites. A perfect example of the breadth of their available bags is the Balenciaga Lune Tote. As one of their rarely-noticed non-motorcycle bags, the Lune may have been overlooked by many, but I think that anyone who appreciates a statement bag should give it some serious consideration. It’s a bicolor, multi-textured beauty made of soft denim-colored goat leather and smooth, slick black calfskin with enough buckles, straps, and trim to keep anyone entertained. It’s big enough to handle all of its accoutrement, though, and the Balenciaga bag designers stopped just before it got overdone. The more I look at it, the more I wonder why we never saw Victoria Beckham carrying the Lune – it kind of looks like something she would like, doesn’t it?
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