Besides being able to find a great leather shoulder bag, a plus would be having the option of choosing your bag from a variety of hues. Sure everybody loves the same ‘ole black and brown leather bags (I sure do!), but leathers don’t have to come in neutral all the time, right ladies? I always think of Balenciaga in reference to spectacular handbags with the best variety of colors, but Balenciaga isn’t the only name out there carrying colorful leather bags. Kooba for instance has these Ryder totes up for grabs at Revolve Clothing (dot com), and they look pretty functional to me. The Ryder is basically a large shoulder tote, with plenty of room for necessities, and diagonal zipper compartments accessing even more additional space. Sounds a bit complicated, but I bet it’s easier to maneuver around this tote in person. Personally, the pink Ryder is my favorite, but you can take your choice of black, brown, ocean, yellow, or the patent versions. I can’t really say much about the quality or whether Kooba handbags really hold up to their name since I’ve never owned a piece, but for a reasonable price tag of $645.
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