Sometimes I don’t really want to carry an identifiable handbag. Not only have obviously-logo’d bags become a bit outre in some circles, but sometimes it’s just hard to play keep-up, don’t you think? The problem is that once you get used to carrying designer bags, you can’t really go back - you’re used to the great leather (oh, the smell of wonderful leather!), the beautiful linings, the attention to detail. The stench of PVC and cheap nylon linings just don’t do it for you. So when you want to fly under the radar but still carry something fabulous, what do you do? You carry something like the Givenchy Sacca Chain Handle Bag. It’s from a smaller but still storied line whose logo isn’t immediately obvious to the average person, but you know that Givenchy wouldn’t make a bag that was anything short of fabulous. The chain handles give a small touch of bling, but the real attraction I’m feeling here is the totally touchable off-white leather that makes up most of the bag. Don’t you just want to feel it? Everyone else will, too - but they won’t know why.
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