It is baby mania time. Almost every family we know has someone who is pregnant and about to have a baby shower. In Hollywood, babies seem to be the real order of the day. Dozens of starlets either recently gave birth or will in the next few months. And don't get us started with all the celebs having twins all the sudden. There must be something in the water in Los Angeles!

Gingham Quilted Diaper 5 Photo Bag
If you have to be attending a baby shower soon or just want to be kind and give a gift, you can't really go wrong with our new line of diaper bags like this Gingham Quilted Diaper 5 Photo Bag. This is great not only for a new, first-time mom but also for someone who already has kids and wants to show them off. Or get it for a grandma in your life.

If you think five slots to show off is too much, then try the Gingham Quilted Diaper Photo Bag which is similar but only has one large pocket to put a bragging photo in.

If you need a smaller photo bag, try instead the Gingham Quilted Photo Bag.
All of the bags are roomy and come with ample carrying straps and can be had on sale for a limited time only.
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